The entire filibuster monologue. There is a senator Payne if you’d like to do that part. Mr. Smith extemporizes on the problems of politics. […]
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

The entire filibuster monologue. There is a senator Payne if you’d like to do that part. Mr. Smith extemporizes on the problems of politics. […]
Lestat (Cruise) tries to convince Louis (Pitt) to feed on a prostitute. Louis cares about her pain while Lestat sees her as food. […]
Carter asks Dan to meet him for lunch. Dan thinks he is getting fired. Carter convinces Dan to try the sushi even though Dan hates it. Carter asks Dan to be an ‘Awesome wingman’. Dan throws it back in his face and asks why. Carter replies by saying ‘You get to keep your job.’ […]
Hanna (Pacino) and Neil (De Niro) meet in a coffee shop. The discover how similar they are. By the end they are friends, but they both will never change, so they are forced to go back to being enemies. […]
Grocer (Akroyd) and Martin (Cusack) have a Mexican standoff in a breakfast restaurant. During the standoff they talk about their diets and Grocer asks Martin to join the union. Martin says no, and Grocer gives Martin the ultimatum join or die. The female is the waitress who comes up with the spiel about the specials […]
Lloyd convinces Harry they should go to Aspen to bring a mysterious woman’s briefcase to her. […]
Chuck comes to Kelly’s house. They see each other for the first time since he is miraculously rescued from the island. They admit to being the loves of each other’s lives, but Kelly has a new life and leaves. […]
Chuck talks about his experience from hopelessness to hope while being stuck alone on an island for 5 years. […]
Ally and a woman in the supermarket have a humorous argument about who deserves the Pringles. […]
Harry comes over to Sara (his mother’s) apartment to give her a new TV. She showers him with compliments, and Harry confesses to how he hasn’t been a very good son. He then realizes she’s taking uppers to lose weight and forbids her to take them. She fires back with how it makes her feel […]