Hynkel monologues to the public about his change of views from dictatorship to democracy, and slavery to freedom […]
The Great Dictator

Hynkel monologues to the public about his change of views from dictatorship to democracy, and slavery to freedom […]
The classic back and forth. […]
Alice gives her talk at an AA meeting. She describes her alcoholism and what happened, and what she hopes lies ahead in her life. […]
Sara rants about fate, and how she trusts it to guide her true. […]
Libby cornering Jack. She tells him if he moves on Freddie she will burn down the village to save it. […]
Nina visits the bedridden May to talk seriously about the daytime television (soap opera) roll she took over for May. […]
Allie monologues about her parents’ reaction to her infatuation and justifies everything they did. […]
Diana rants about the future of the network and throws out ideas on capitalizing on urban guerrilla warfare. Then she threatens to fire everyone if they don’t shape up. […]
Saunders gives Jeff a pep talk to get him motivated. […]
Maggie tells Mr. Dunn the straight up truth on where she is and where she’s been. […]