Joe is posing as a rich man, and he tries to trap sugar with his bumbleeness. As they walk around the lavish room he tries to act like it’s all his. […]
Some Like It Hot

Joe is posing as a rich man, and he tries to trap sugar with his bumbleeness. As they walk around the lavish room he tries to act like it’s all his. […]
Carrie and Aiden are moving in together. They start to fight over closet space, then the dog chews up a shoe, and they really get into it. […]
Max and Mr. Blume meet for the first time in a while in an elevator and catch up awkwardly. Then Max starts to reveal a grandiose plan. […]
The first scene in the movie. They’re all sitting around the table, arguing about the tip. […]
Libby approaches Jack about being dishonorable. When he refuses to change his campaign structure she quits. […]
Utah pesters Pappas until he tells him his theory on who the bank robbers are, “They are Surfers!” Could use a third office person if you want. […]
Conrad comes to Berger in a panic. Conrad’s friend and girl he liked killed herself, and old demons continue to haunt him. Berger works him through it all. […]
Joanna meets Peter at a restaurant for their date. It goes a little awkward until Peter brings up Kung Fu, then they’re done. […]
All these KKK guys hanging out in a bar when Anderson comes in. He questions and warns the lot of them, after grabbing one of the Deputy’s nards real hard. […]
Jonathan and Jack are eating at a diner. Jack wants Jonathan to shut up and Jonathan wants Jack to like him and let him go. […]