A hilarious scene where Evan tries to give the news, but is sabotaged by Bruce. He starts speaking gibberish and losing his mind, no matter how hard he tries to control it. […]
Bruce Almighty

A hilarious scene where Evan tries to give the news, but is sabotaged by Bruce. He starts speaking gibberish and losing his mind, no matter how hard he tries to control it. […]
Craig gets his date with Maxine. He has a hard time, but right when it starts going well, she asks him what he does and he says he’s a puppeteer. She immediately asks for the check. […]
Craig gets a very strange interview from Lester. […]
Fran and Sheldrake exchange Christmas gifts. She gives him a record, full of significance and love, he gives her a hundred dollars so she can buy what she wants. And he still won’t get divorced. […]
Sheldrake calls Bud into his office and traps him into coming clean about lending out his apartment to execs who are carrying on affairs. Then the phone rings, and Bud tries to escape, then it turns out Sheldrake wants to have his own affair in the apartment. […]
Bud gets caught lending out his apartment so the execs at his office can carry on affairs. He admits the whole thing to Sheldrake, and promises never to do it again. […]
Kat has just had a concussion, so Patrick is trying to keep her awake. They start to get into it, then they have their first real moment. Then she vomits on his shoes. […]
Stanley goes to Doctor Neuman to try and figure out the mask’s origins. Then Stanley tries to put on the mask to prove its power, and it doesn’t work. […]
Rose is dining alone. When Perry gets in an argument with his date, and she throws a drink in his face and leaves, Rose invites him to dine with her. They talk about what each other does, and Rose asks Perry why men chase women. When they leave, he offers to walk with her home, […]
Stanley, who is in love with Tina, gets a visit at the bank after his mask wearing alter ego robbed the place. Stanley ends up claiming he knows the guy, and decides to wear the mask again to get with Tina. […]