Diana rants about the future of the network and throws out ideas on capitalizing on urban guerrilla warfare. Then she threatens to fire everyone if they don’t shape up. […]

Diana rants about the future of the network and throws out ideas on capitalizing on urban guerrilla warfare. Then she threatens to fire everyone if they don’t shape up. […]
The last time Donnie and Lefty talk. Lefty brings up the federal boat, and Donnie deflects. […]
Donnie argues with his wife Maggie about how she should live her life and his late mustache. […]
Donnie meets Lefty for the first time. Lefty asks him about a diamond, Donnie says it’s fake and Lefty gets pissed. […]
A fun secret agent scene where Patricia and Barris see each other after a long while. They talk and connect, she invites him to her room, then they try to kill each other (espionage style). In the movie I believe they use poison as compared to guns… […]
Byrd visits Barris on the set of the dating game with a new mission. Barris incredulously says he doesn’t have to kill anymore because he has a hit show. Byrd tells him he kills because he likes to. […]
Barris is approached by Byrd, who then asks him to be a CIA free agent assassin. […]
Gittes is getting to the bottom of the puzzle. He’s found Mulrays girlfriend, he’s got Evelyn for murder, and the proof. She is caught, but not in the way Gittes thinks. He literally beats the answers out of her, then she gives all the information Gittes needs. […]
Evelyn needs to leave after she and Gittes slept together. He won’t let her leave until she tells him where she’s going. She tries to knock him off guard with information about her father when Gittes already knows everything. This could be an extension to the seduction scene (where she dresses his nose wound). […]
Gittes is saved by Evelyn. She helps dress his nose wound, while he talks about the confusing times he had in Chinatown. Then they do it. […]