Bloom devises the scheme of over-producing a flop. Bialystock takes him seriously. Bloom has his meltdown (I’m wet and in pain and I’m still hysterical!!). Bialystock backs off and gets him to join him for lunch. […]
The Producers

Bloom devises the scheme of over-producing a flop. Bialystock takes him seriously. Bloom has his meltdown (I’m wet and in pain and I’m still hysterical!!). Bialystock backs off and gets him to join him for lunch. […]
Elaine comes to Ben’s apartment to confront him about raping her mother. He denies the rape, but comes clean about the relationship. Ben asks Elaine to marry him, and she says ok. […]
Paul and Corie argue after dinner with her mother. What they truly feel for each other is revealed. […]
Ike tries to get Tina to sing the song the way he thinks it should be sung. […]
In this scene, Shrevie confronts his wife, Beth, about his record collection and how important his music is to him. The result is a huge fight about much more than records… […]