Hynkel monologues to the public about his change of views from dictatorship to democracy, and slavery to freedom […]
The Great Dictator

Hynkel monologues to the public about his change of views from dictatorship to democracy, and slavery to freedom […]
The classic back and forth. […]
Allie monologues about her parents’ reaction to her infatuation and justifies everything they did. […]
Howard gives his take on society, god, and justifies why he blew up a building he designed. […]
Ada convinces Helmut to try and get his job as a legendary clown. […]
Tom expounds on the areas of history and charm. […]
Tracy is taking Connor out for a swim after the party. Connor tells Tracy she shouldn’t marry George, and starts to compliment the crap out of her. Tracy enjoys it, then they go swim. […]
Maxim convinces his new wife he never loved his dead wife Rebecca. Then tells her Rebecca’s body isn’t the one in the grave, and that her body is in the lake. […]
Gregory tries to convince Paula to free him. She partially loses her mind but ends up refusing. […]
Neff comes over to Phyllis’ house. Through her inquiry about accident insurance for her husband, Neff deduces she wants to kill her husband. […]