Don Quixote/Alonso Quijana has fallen into a coma. His niece Antonia and Sancho are at his side. He eventually awakens, remembering his knightly career as only a vague dream. Aware that he is now dying, he asks Sancho to help him make out his will. As Quixote begins to dictate, Aldonza forces her way in. She has found that she can no longer bear to be anyone but Dulcinea. When he does not recognize her, she sings Dulcinea (reprise) to him and tries to help him remember the words of “The Impossible Dream”. Suddenly, he remembers everything and rises from his bed, ready to be a knight again. (Man of La Mancha -second reprise) But it is too late – in mid-song, he suddenly falls dead. However, Aldonza now believes in him so much that, to her, Don Quixote will always live.
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